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Guest Policy
Members are responsible for the conduct of their guests at all times. All guests must be registered at the Pro Shop before commencing play.
A resident guest may play no more than twice in a 30 day period, regardless if he is sponsored by one or more members during that period. A member may sponsor a non resident guest no more than 7 days per season.
Unaccompanied guests may not start play until after 10:30 am on those days not governed by the 11:30 am starting times in affect during men’s and ladies’ days. All unccompanied guest play must be sponsored by a member.
Restrictions do not apply to lineal guests and their spouses.
Children under the age of 16 shall be allowed on the golf course only when accompanied by a member or a spouse of a member.
Dress Requirements
Golf Course/Clubhouse: Proper golfing attire is always required. Acceptable attire for men includes slacks or walking shorts, tucked in collared shirts, and proper footwear. Acceptable attire for women includes slacks, golf shorts or skirts with a golf shirt or blouse, and proper footwear. Gentlemen are expected to remove their hats whenever entering the Clubhouse dining room, patio, or lounge area.
Daytime Dining Upstairs Clubhouse & Porch: Proper golfing attire is always acceptable. Gentlemen are expected to remove their hats wheneve entering the Clubhouse dining room, porch or lounge area.
Daytime Dining Lower Terrace & Lawn: Proper golfing attire is always acceptable.
Evening Dining Upstairs:
Monday & Wednesday (Clubhouse & Upper Porch) ~ tucked in collared shirts and dress trousers for gentlemen, proper footwear. Equally appropriate evening attire for ladies - skirts, dresses, or dress pants. Shorts are not acceptable.
Friday & Saturday (Clubhouse & Lounge) -
Sport Coats are required, with tucked incollared shirts and dress trousers for gentlemen; neckties optional. Equally appropriate evening attire for ladies - skirts, dresses, or dress pants.
Friday & Saturday (Upper Porch) - tucked in collared shirts and dress trousers for gentlemen. Equally appropriate evening attire for ladies - skirts, dresses, or dress pants. Shorts are not acceptable.
Lower Terrace Dining: Golf Attire acceptable for lunch and dinner
Unacceptable Attire: At no time are the following items of attire acceptable anywhere within Card Sound Golf Club - denim blue jeans, tee shirts, tank tops, jogging tops on men, halter or jogging tops on women, exercise clothing of any kind, beach/bathing suit coverups or clothing carrying inappropriate messages.